Monday, June 7, 2021

Fred's family—Sandner Family?

 In a bag of photos from my uncle's estate, I came across one labeled on the back: 

"Anna/7 months/Fred's Family."

The items in this bag were unsorted but contained photos from my uncle's father's AND mother's sides. The author of "Anna, 7 months" is unknown. I think the author of "Fred's Family" is my grandmother. There aren't any "Freds" on the father's side, so I assume that this photo is from the Sandners, his mother's side. 

Please remember that I'm making an assumption here. This could be a different "Fred," but I don't think so. Looking at the front can give us some clues:

But not very many.

There aren't many clues in the clothing or surroundings, so we'll just have to concentrate on how well this photo matches the details of Fred Sandner's life. 

Fred Elwin or Edgar Sandner was born in Zwickau, Saxony, Germany, around 1880. He was called "Fritz." He accompanied his father Albin (Alvin) to the US in 1892, when Albin was recruited to work the mines. They were naturalized in 1895; I own the naturalization papers. 

1900: 19, living with parents and family in St. Louis, MO.

1910: Working on it

1920: Working on it

About 1927: Married Marie Reis (Reece) Glover, who had two daughters from a previous marriage

About 1929: Fred, Jr., born

1930: In the 1930 US Census for IL, Fred Saudmers is living in Springfield, Sangamon County, IL. He is 49, age at first marriage 46, born Germany, parents born Germany, naturalized 1895, coal miner, not a vet (this is wrong). Also  in the household are wife Marie, 25, age at first marriage, 15; son Fred, Jr., 1, and Glover step-daughters Louise, 9, and Caroline, 7. They all live at 145 Wesley St.

About 1935: Norman, about six years after the first

1940: In the 1940 US Census for IL, Fred Sanders is living in Springfield, Sangamon County. He is 58, born Germany, attained 8th grade, miner in a coal mine, $900 income. Also in the household are wife Marie, 36, born Germany, attained 7th grade; Fred, Jr., 11, 6th grade, born IL; Norman, 5, born IL, not attending school; and Noretta Inskipp, 4, foster daughter.

About 1942: William born (about 13 years after Son #1 and seven years after Son #2)

Big age gaps between the three sons. Big age gap between Fred and Marie. 

Fred died in 1950 in Illinois. His obit mentions three sons and two stepdaughters but no daughter named "Anna."

No record anywhere shows an Anna Sandner died young. It may be out there, but I haven't found it.

And yet...

My grandmother's name was pronounced "Anna," so it's possible.

In the photo, the woman or wife does appear to be much younger than the man or husband. Twelve years? Hard to say but certainly possible.

If this is Fred Sandner and it's his family, then the photo was taken between 1940 (Fred, Jr., age 11, and Norman age 5) and 1950 (Norman age 15 and William age 8). I tend to think it's the latter—around 1949 or 1950.  

I am hoping that one of Fred's grandchildren will read this blog and let me know if my theory is correct!


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