Saturday, August 8, 2020

New old picture of the Sandners

Having just received six boxes of family treasure from my uncle's estate, I am trying desperately to bring some order to the boxes and boxes of family history that already crowd my house. Thank heavens my husband is so patient!

Imagine my joy to re-discover a faded image of the Mining Sandner family from about 1900! The image below is a print of a scan of the original photo. I then scanned that image to get this one, which is cleaned up and enhanced to get more detail. Lots of generations, but it's the best I can do at the moment. I hope to find the original someday. Who knows? It may be buried in the boxes upon boxes. But I digress...

Here's the enhanced image:

The handwriting underneath is extremely faded—I think it's my dad's. It labels these people left to right, front row: Anne, ? (but I know it's Ernestine), Jenny (could say "Emma"), Helen. Left to right, back row: Ella, Ewald, Fred. 

Here's my take:

IF the year is 1900, then this picture was taken in either St. Louis (1900 Census) or Mt. Olive, IL. Left to right, front row would be: Anne, about 4, Ernestine, about 45, Emma, about 10, Helen, about 14. Left to right, back row: Ella, about 24, Ewald, about 12, and Fred, about 20. 

I have doubts about the complete accuracy of all the identifications. For example, the woman on the right labeled Helen looks a lot older than 14. The person labeled "Jenny" probably isn't, because Jenny stayed behind in Saxony; she wan't listed with the rest of the family on ship's logs. And Ewald is sporting a pretty amazing mustache for a 12-year-old. 

The rest of the IDs I can get behind.

These folks are spiffed up for some reason. No idea why at the moment, but if there are more like this in the new shipment, I'll update you.

More coming (eventually). Bis nachste Mal!